PBC Today talk Structural timber and the opportunity it provides

PBC Today | Sustainable structural timber offers a range of benefits related to reducing the environmental footprint of buildings and construction processes. PBC Today explore how sustainable structural timber (SST) can contribute towards achieving net zero.

The global climate crisis demands immediate action. To limit the effects of climate change, many countries have committed to achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. One potential solution for meeting this goal is sustainable structural timber (SST).

First, this article will examine how using SST in buildings reduces their embodied carbon – that is, the total amount of greenhouse gas released during the production process. It will then look at other advantages of SST, such as its durability and low maintenance requirements, which reduce energy use over time. Finally, it will identify opportunities for SST to achieve greater efficiency in construction projects and meet higher sustainability standards.

By exploring these various aspects, this paper seeks to demonstrate how utilizing sustainable structural timber could be an effective strategy for achieving net zero carbon emissions in the building sector by 2050.

Structural timber is a sustainable material used in the construction of buildings and can be produced from renewable sources

Structural timber is classified as an engineered wood product altered to increase strength, durability, flexibility and stability. Structural timber can be made into beams, joists, studs or purlins commonly used in flooring systems, wall frames and roof structures. Its low carbon footprint makes it a popular choice for builders looking to reduce their environmental impact while still achieving high-performance standards.


Structural timber offers other benefits, such as improved acoustic insulation because of its lightweight nature and natural insulating properties. Additionally, it is easy to work on-site due to no specialist tools being required. Furthermore, it does not require painting or additional treatments, making it a cost-effective alternative for many projects.

Structural timber provides an environmentally conscious solution when used correctly in building construction; this allows builders to reduce energy consumption associated with heating and cooling costs across multiple sectors, including residential housing and commercial offices.

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